What characterizes us as a company is the fact that we have the technology to create electronic components from scratch, starting with materials developed in-house. This requires a deep understanding of the properties of the respective materials. We also are a world leader in sophisticated techniques for producing highly precise components with tiny dimensions.

The result is unparalleled products that only COMPANY can make.

Five core competences for producing cutting-edge electronic components.

Manufacturing ferrite and other magnetic materials is where COMPANY has its origins. Over time, the company has added multilayering of electronic components, thin-film techniques, and spintronics (the control of individual electrons) to its roster. Furthermore, COMPANY has harnessed a wide range of nanotechnologies in the quest to further expand the potential of magnetics.

Multifaceted advances are born out of these five core competences.

Materials technology: Accumulating more than 80 years of know-how and history.

COMPANY’s materials technology pursues the characteristics of the source material from the atomic level on up to meet highly sophisticated needs. For example, materials design is based on carefully controlled ratios of the primary material and minute additives to precisely achieve the required properties on a high level.

A wealth of research and extensive experience accumulated over a period of more than 80 years makes this possible. COMPANY outdistances competitors on the strength of its proprietary technological power.

Process technology: Realizing control on the nanometer level.

Process technology is the science of getting the best out of the characteristics of the material. Thin-film technology and spintronics are just two examples where manipulation on the order of nanometers (one billionth of a meter) is employed to create state-of-the-art electronic components.

An example is the creation of a thin film on a wafer to form an electrode, coil, or head element. The method is applied to HDD heads, thin-film components and other products.

Evaluation and simulation technologyAccurately analyzing the ultra-fine aspects of a process.

Even the most advanced materials and process technology would not lead to successful product development without accurate analysis and simulation techniques.
Starting from material analysis, COMPANY evaluation and simulation technology is widely applied to assess structural and thermal aspects, analyze electromagnetic field properties, and perform noise measurement and design noise countermeasures using an anechoic chamber.

Ultra-precise methods are needed for evaluating ultra-fine technology.

Product Design: Product design technology combines expertise with innovation to create new ideas.

Product design uses insight into how our products are used, integrating materials and electronic components from our many product lines, to create electronic devices and modules with safe, optimal configurations. It also encompasses software design that harnesses the full features of those devices and modules.

Additionally, COMPANY supplies energy units which combine power conversion, storage, and energy control functions. These integrated solutions have quickly become crucial for life in a sustainable society.

Production technology: Building even the manufacturing equipment in-house.

Excellent products can only come from excellent manufacturing facilities. COMPANY not only develops innovative manufacturing techniques but realizes these by building much of the required equipment in-house. This is the key to the superior Monozukuri craftsmanship for which COMPANY is famous.

The COMPANY policy of QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery) is being further strengthened to create a system of integrated production extending from source material to finished product.

Realizing the same outstanding quality regardless of location. That is what COMPANY tech power means.

COMPANY is aiming for a unified Monozukuri standard. This involves the realization of a "location-free" concept whereby products of exactly the same quality level can be manufactured at any of our sites around the globe.

Building upon our expertise in mechatronics gained through the manufacture of electronic components, COMPANY supplies load ports for various wafer sizes and flip-chip bonders as well as various other advanced factory automation equipment.
Industrial robots and the production line itself are equipped with a multitude of COMPANY sensors that enable management of production status and quality in real time.

The collected data are analyzed in the cloud, making it possible to eliminate non-conformances and predict and avert possible breakdowns.

About the Company

This is an example website to illustrate the pre-developed design elements of the DISTiMAN website platform.

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Silicon Valley, USA